Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Loving the Weather

We have been having some wonderful weather this past week. We have also taken advantage of it. We went to a birthday party, played at the park, rode our bikes and enjoyed the time together.
We have also dealt with some sickness. Both of the girls received a small bug from the kids at the baby-sitter's house and Eli caught it. I had to taken him into the doctor's office just to confirm it was a virus-it was. He is doing much better now. Eli also had an ultrasound done on his kidney that came back clear and to confirm (since he has been having some UTI's), he had a VCUG done to make sure that his urine is flowing down the way it is supposed to. The results came back normal! That means he just has to stay on an antibiotic until this clears up. Thank God-at least we know the end result to this problem! We will find out more about his heart in November when he has another ECHO done. Hopefully they will find that his valve has thinned out and he is healing in the right direction. Poor little guy-he just can't catch much of a break!!
We went to a birthday party over the weekend for a co-worker's daughter-she turned one. It was a lot of fun. I met a lot of great people and really enjoyed just being outside relaxing (well as much as you can running after two crazy girls!). The girls had a ball and got great party favors!

Emma with a mouthful of candy!

Playing with some sidewalk chalk.

It is so hard to get a non-blurry picture of this girl!!

Making new friends.

Eli is taking it all in.

My bubs having fun in his bouncer seat.

Favorite toy :)

Ham'n it up!

I can't take enough pictures of my little man!!

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