Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Eli is Seven Months Old!

How did my baby boy get so big so fast?  I don't know if it is because he is my last baby, but I feel like everything he does is so bittersweet.  He is now shaking his head "no" real fast.  He does it all the time!  It is so funny.  Here are a few more things my sweet baby boy is up to these days....
-Wears size 2 diaper
-Wears 6-9 months clothes
-Has blowouts all the time!
-Sucks his middle two fingers on his right hand--still!!
-Laughs a lot
-Is ticklish on his sides and feet
-Likes green beans
-Does NOT like pears, squash or sweet potatoes (yet)
-Almost sitting up (still)
-Can put a lot of weight on his feet while I hold his hands
-LOVES to be "tossed" around-little adrenaline junkie!
-loves his bouncer-he stays in it for an hour at a time
-looks so cute in shoes!
-still loves bath time
-favorite toys are his blue monkey and his rubber duckey
-likes to chew on blankets

Here is a cute picture of my little Squirt.....

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