Other than my sob story, I have fun updates for the baby.
Heartrate: 156
Measuring: 3 days ahead
Gender: Don't know yet, but I have taken 4 "tests". One was a regular question test, such as what are your cravings, etc. One was based on the lunar calendar, one was the Chinese gender prediction test and one was the pee on baking soda test. All but one test indicates girl. We shall see :)
Cravings: Still craving anything with Buffalo sauce. I am also loving pickle and mayo sandwiches.
How I feel: I am still pretty nauseous. I am still very tired. I have headaches and backaches. Very irritable...lol
Movement: I think I have felt the baby move a couple of times on my lower left side. I am loving that :)
I am stopping my Progesterone this Sunday when I hit 14 weeks. Then I will definitely be in the second trimester and know that my placenta has taken over the hormone making. Whew.
Here is a picture of "Squirt"

Cute aren't they??? :)
We spent one of our few last nice, warm days at the park. We had a good time. Two hours of good time at that. I can't believe how much Emma has grown since the last time I took her to the park. She can go on the big curly slide now! I about have heart attacks every time she climbs up the ladder (even with Daddy there watching her). I am going to do really good when she goes to school....ha! Emma has also become so social. She will just walk right up to a bunch of kids and just join in on their fun! I am glad that they have accepted her right in...so far. The first time she gets rejected will probably break my heart :(
Maddie had a fun time too-this was her first time at the park. She loved playing in the grass and trying to eat all the leaves on the ground. We also put her down the baby slide and she wasn't so sure about it. I couldn't get a picture of it though because Brandon put her at the top and I "carried" her down. I have a picture of her in a swing and even though it is a baby swing, it about toppled her over going forward a few times. I left her in it long enough to take a couple of pictures and then that ride was done!

Here are the girls right before we left for the park. Emma was so excited she could barely hold still for one picture!

Going up the big slide-ahhhh!!

Getting down to the ground again....safe and sound :)
One last note-we have taken Maddie off of formula and she is now on cow's milk! She can handle a sippy cup wonderfully and loves milk-yea!! I wish I was still nursing her, but what can you do when Mother Nature doesn't let you anymore? Boo.

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