Maddie's birthday was a lot of fun. We had two smaller parties instead of the traditional big first birthday party. I think it made things a lot less stressed. The first one we had was on her birthday and we had a supper and birthday cake at my parents house.

This is the cake BEFORE we even cut it...Maddie loved the icing!!

Emma giving her little sister a birthday kiss :) :)

The aftermath...

This is the aftershock the next day....she absolutely loved cake!!
We also had a party at Brandon's parents house, but I don't have my pictures of those with me.
On Sunday, we went to the Fall Foliage parade in Brandon's hometown. The girls love parades and Emma especially loved collecting candy!

Emma isn't too fond of loud noises...especially fire trucks and police car sirens going off.

We took a trip to the apple orchard last Saturday. It was a nice day out, just a little windey. We stocked up on apple cidar doughnuts, popcorn, caramel apples, apples and pumpkins. I love country living :)

Maddie's first taste of an apple cidar doughnut....she just loved it.

Here is Emma pre-doughnut rampage. I tried to get a smile out of her, but between the sun and wind this is the best she could do :)

I love my little family :)
I am 16 weeks and 5 days today. I am feeling pretty good. I don't have too many symptoms right now. I am just very tired and hungry. I seem to be getting fuller faster though. My stomach has popped out on the top and bottom and I look like I am about 25 weeks pregnant.
Our anatomy ultrasound is scheduled for November 7. I can't wait! I am thinking this one is a boy...who knows. We are going to tell our families on Thanksgiving Day. My parents will be first because we have lunch with them, then Brandon's family that evening when their dinner is going to be. I am having a co-worker of mine make cake balls with the color of the gender inside. I can't wait to reveal it! We are also keeping this baby's name a secret. I want to have some kind of a surprise for this baby since Brandon won't let me wait until the baby is born to find out what it is. All well.
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