Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What am I gonna do.....

....with a little boy? I am so lost on how to parent a son! We found out we are having a boy and we are so excited! I have been dropping by Goodwill about once a week to pick up clothes. I know I will need them! Of course, I have had numerous amounts of people offer to donate me clothes that already have boys-I am not going to turn those down!
Brandon is on top of the world. I know he can't wait to have that father/son bonding. I, myself am excited to have my mama's boy :)
We haven't picked out a name yet. We aren't telling anyways until he is born, but we can't agree on a name right now, so it doesn't really matter!
The girls are getting geared up for Christmas. We don't have our tree up yet, but we plan on doing that in the next few days. It has been hectic around our house! Both girls are doing wonderfully and I am enjoying this time with them. Emma is so excited to be good for Santa and Maddie is just taking everything in this year. She is in awe of all the decorations and activities we are doing. Fun times, I am trying to soak it all in.
Oh by the way (more for me)
Baby Boy is measuring 1 week ahead and he was moving all around, not afraid of showing off the goods! At my next appt after the ultrasound, we couldn't get a measure of his heartrate because he wouldn't stay still long enough! The nurse practitioner said, well I know he is okay because I can hear the heart beat, but I am not going to keep trying to measure it because he is not going to cooperate today, lol. I know he is fine though, he loves to kick me!! :) We have to get the baby's room done now, I am now 24 weeks and we haven't started a thing!! Yikes!

1 comment:

  1. LOL, That's how I felt with Camilla at first too! My kids have completely different personalities though so I'm not sure it's a gender thing really. I just know that most everything I thought I knew has went out the window! LOL
