Friday, November 11, 2011

It's a.....

BABY!!! :)
We are waiting to reveal the gender on Thanksgiving Day (tomorrow). Only Brandon and I know what this baby is and it has been hard to keep it a secret! I have to watch myself calling the baby him/her. However, baby looked great! Its heartrate was 156 and it was moving all around, punching and kicking. So, so cute! I can't wait to meet this little one! I will be 22 weeks this Sunday, so more than halfway there!!
Maddie also turned 13 months on the 7th. She is getting so big! She started walking the week before Halloween. It is so cute. I love baby wadddling. She had picked it up really fast, she can almost run already! She also has two teeth on the bottom on four teeth coming through on top (all at once!!!). Poor thing, but she has handled it like a champ! She is also starting to pucker up to give kisses. It is so stinking cute. I have really seen her "big girl" personality come through. It amazes me how much they learn in such a short time.
Emma is doing great as well! We are fully potty-trained-FINALLY, Thank God!!- and you would think she was Princess of the World! She is loving her Disney princess movies and always has to have a dress on when she watches them. To her, if you are going to watch princesses, then you have to be one as well :)
I just love my girls!
I would post a few shots of the baby on here, but I haven't figured out how to edit out the private stuff. As soon as I do, I will put some pictures up!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the little boy! That's awesome! And congrats to Emma on the potty training and Maddie on the walking! All sorts of excitement! Hope you had a wonderful holiday and are feeling good.
