This post is mainly for my memories.....
What does Emma do that is so funny/cute?
-She tries to sing the "Scooby Doo" theme song and only knows about half of the words. It is so stinking cute!
-She tells me all the time that she loves her sister and then goes and pulls her hair (I do punish her for this, but it IS funny:))
-She kisses my belly all the time saying she can't wait for Eli to be here.
-She laughs at her Daddy all. the. time.
-She loves on her dogs and tells me she is so happy to have them.
-She has to wear her "beautiful princess dress" to church.
-She has to wear her "beautiful princess shoes" every night!
-She wants to always play house. She asks me or her grandma to "come knock on my door" to her play rooms.
-When I ask her who the boss is, she always says "me" first and then she will say "mommy really is".
-She sings in the bathtub.
-She sings in the car and pays no attention to the radio whatsoever.
-She runs up to the porch to beat the cars that go by.
-She always wants to play the Purple game on her grandparent's computer. It is actually the PurBle game.
-She loves to play Temple Run on grandma's phone and she is pretty good at it! Her highest score so far is 31,000!
-She loves to play her Leapster and goes in her play room, sits on her princess bean bag, crosses her legs like a lady and starts playing!
-She loves to play with her doll houses and barbies. I love to stand in the doorway an listen to her talk with her dolls. She really gets into it and has a great imagination!
-My mom bought her a CD that is personalized to say Emma at certain times. It is a princess tea party that includes lyrics from Belle, Cinderella, etc. Emma will dance to that all the time. She thinks she is the only special little girl that got picked to have the pricesses talk to her (that could be because mommy told her that) :)
-She loves Dexter's Laboratory and asks to watch it before Scooby comes on. (we love the Boomerang channel in my house)
-She loves to wear make up and have her hair blow dried.
-When she writes her name, she always puts an extra line on the m's. She does get all the letters, just not in the right order yet.
-She loves to go to preschool and I hear that she argues every time she has to leave!
-She can count to 40, knows and recognizes ABC's, knows her shapes and colors and is starting to recognize very basic words.
-She loves to go to church!
-She loves to help Daddy cook supper.
What does Maddie do that is so funny/cute?
-She still sucks her thumb and plays with my hair when she is tired.
-She throws herself on the dogs and tried to lay her head on them.
-She throws herself on stuffed animals/pillow on the floor and snuggles up with them.
-She eats EVERYTHING you put in front of her.
-She is still a tiny little bug.
-She is starting to pull hair and stand up for herself with Emma. She hit Emma the other day and just walked away. It was all I could do not to laugh in front of the girls.
-She is sticking her tongue out a lot to make faces.
-She laughs when you tell her no.
-She throws her arms up and down when she dances.
-She is trying to say kitty and doggy. She can also say mommy, daddy, sis, uh-oh, mine.
-She always has to have a banana at supper.
-She likes to throw crackers on the floor because the dogs will clean it up and she thinks it is hilarious. Unfortunately she thinks this rule applies everywhere....
-She likes to try and sing with songs and just kind of mumbles and hums when a song comes on.
-She like to act out the song "Patty Cake".
-She loves to watch Emma do twirls.
-She likes to crawl circles around the supper table (even though she walks perfectly fine!)
-She likes to hit her hands against the doors on the fireplace (with no fire) because it makes a loud noise.
-She likes to break crayons and just throw them down. She then will watch us react to that and just smile.
-She likes to stack play-dough cans on top of each other.
-She loves to play with the remote and slam it on the ground.
-She knows where her eyes, nose and mouth are. (oh and her belly button, along with mommy's. She likes to press mine right now since it is an "outie" and it HURTS!!)
-She is starting to really have a high-pitched laugh at times.
-When you say hi to her now, she replies in a "hiiiieeeee".
-When she waves bye to you, if her thumb is in her mouth, she will keep sucking her thumb and just move her other four fingers in a wave.
Those two girls are so funny. I love them so much. They are just what I need when I come home from work and I am in a bad mood. They are my world! Now, I have another one to love on here in the very near future!
Eli is doing wonderfully. I am now 35 weeks and 2 days. He is measuring about 2 weeks ahead by ultrasound and 3 weeks ahead by fundal measuring. He has hydronephrosis in his left kidney. However, we are going to do an ultrasound on him when we arrives and go from there. I already know who his doctor will be, so that makes life a lot easier! He moves all the time and I have a feeling he will be here next week around the 8th or 9th. That would put me at 36 weeks; I would like to make it to at least 37, but I just have the intuition of when he will be here....who knows! I also have gestational diabetes, so I have non-stress tests two times a week so we know Eli is doing well. That puts a lot of panic out of my mind. Not a lot of mommies get to hear their baby twice a week and have them be monitored! I wish it was under different circumstances, but all well. My sugars are staying pretty good and hopefully they will stay that way.
I just can't wait to meet my little man!!
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