Friday, March 16, 2012

Who Needs a Nightgown?

Last night while getting Emma ready for bed, she asked for her Dora nightgown. I had just thrown it in the washer, which usually means a tantrum is about to happen. Well, she surprised me this time. She just looked at me and said matter-of-fact-like, "Well, I guess that means I get to wear my Superwoman Costume(Wonder Woman)". I looked at her and said, "well, I guess that is right". Where does she come up with this?

PS-don't mind the mess on the table behind Emma. It was filled with laundry that needed to be folded and groceries that needed to be put away. We like to use our dinner table for storage ;)


  1. Just 'happened' across your blog - just want to say your maternity pics are beautiful !
    Blessings on your last weeks ( hopefully not that long!) of pregnancy.
    Kristy in Oregon

  2. Thank you! I will be heading over to check out your blog as well! It is so fun to meet new people through blogging! :)
