-You smile all. the. time.
-Emma makes you smile more than anyone.
-You have eaten breastmilk, progestimil and TPN. The last two were because you were in the hospital. Other than that, you have been a breastmilk baby :)
-You weigh 12.6-7 lbs and you are 23.5 inches long.
-You still have blue eyes
-You are trying your hardest to roll over.
-You love to watch the movements on TV. You will sit in your swing/bouncer for 45 minutes just watching Disney Jr or Nick Jr.
-You love to lay on your playmat and grab at your toys.
-You are growing less fond of your pacifier. You like to suck on your middle and ring finger on your right hand.
-You have slept through the night the past two nights and mommy thanks you for that. I still wake up to check on you though :)
-You are trying to talk. The little sounds you make are heavenly!
-You have laughed quite a few times. It melts my heart into a puddle.
-You love to be outside and you love to go on walks.
-Tummy time is not your favorite time, but you are so strong and you try to push yourself up....it won't be long!
-You are becoming so fascinated with your feet. You try to grab them. It is quite funny to watch.
-You have some hair on your head, but it thins out and you have a cul-de-sac on the back of your head.
-You love bathtime.
-You have only peed on me once!
-I think you and Maddie are going to be big conspirers--sp? against Mommy. You both seem to play tricks on me a lot :)
-You keep your hands balled in fists a lot.
-You like to stare at your monkey that Mommy got for you in the hospital. It hangs down and you try to grab him sometimes!
You had a rough start at life. Mommy is so thankful for you being here with us on earth. You have so many people that love you and are so happy you are healthy! We are so blessed to have you in our lives and I love you so much Elijah Brandon.

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