Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Welcome Back To The Blogging World!

Wow, time has flown by! So much has happened in the last four months. I plan on updating this blog throughout the coming days for myself and for anyone that has found my blog and is interested! For now, here are some pictures of my goofy children. Enjoy! :)

Here is my little man, Eli. He is the happiest baby. He smiles all the time and I am so proud of him. He is my hero. After everything he has been through, I cannot believe how happy and easy going he is.

Here is my Maddie Grace. This was taken about three weeks ago. She is still so short, but oh my, she is gorgeous. I love that her hair is getting curly. It is so much fun to style!

Here is sweet Emma. She has such a caring soul. She will just start singing to Eli if he is upset, or she will comfort Maddie if Maddie gets a boo-boo. I love the big heart that she has!

I am going to post again tomorrow when I have more time on what happened with Eli shortly after he was born. It is quite the story!!

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