Tuesday, May 1, 2012
My Son
On March 26, I was scheduled to be induced at 6:00am. I started feeling contractions around 8:00. They weren't very strong. Around 9:30, I noticed they were getting quite a bit stronger. I suddenly had two very hard ones that were right on top of each other. I told Brandon to go get the nurse and let her know I needed the epidural. The nurse I had was from the Czech Republic and reminded me so much of a big German woman-you know what I am talking about. Very loud and intimidating, but so funny and very nice.
Well, Liba (pronounced leeba) comes in giving me a look and I just said "don't look at me that way, I am in pain". Pretty much after that, I felt like I was dying. I tried all sorts of breathing techniques I had learned back when I took natural child birthing classes. That was for the birds.
Finally, (I say that, but it was really about 5 minutes) the anesthesiologist comes in and starts going through the procedure with me. By this time, I can barely function. He told me to sign the consent and I could barely grasp the pen-Liba had to hold my hand steady so I could sign it-and my signature was pathetic! While the epidural was being administered, my water broke. I am now screaming in horrible pain. Liba calls my doctor and tells her I am in transition so she better get here soon-ya think?? I was there a long time ago! After the epidural was done, I wouldn't lay back down, so Liba literally had to push me back down on the bed-I was in too much pain. Once she got me back down, she checked me and low and behold-I was at a ten. Well, by then the epidural started to help some-thank God. I felt a lot of pressure though and I am happy about that. I didn't really feel that with my girls. Well, as soon as I heard I was fully dilated, I felt the urge to push. My family barely made it back in before I started pushing. My doctor barely made it in as well.
Well, after about 30-45 minutes of pushing,Elijah Brandon arrived at 11:45am. He weighed 8lbs, 3oz and was 20 inches long. He came out screaming. However, the nurses caught an abnormality in his heart. I will talk about that in my next post. He is doing good, but we are still in the hospital 36 days later.
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